Artificial plant walls : give volume to your environments !

Artificial plant walls : give volume to your environments !

- Categories : Actualities - Reading time : min

Durable and trendy, the artificial plant wall decorates your walls and ceilings while remaining very economical. According to the range, the Exelgreen foliage requires no maintenance and mimics the excellence of real natural plant paintings. To be used inside and outside, the artificial plant wall is the perfect ally for a successful decoration.

Summary : 

1. What makes up an artificial plant wall ?
2. Which artificial plant wall should I choose ?
3. How do I install an artificial plant wall ?
4. What are the advantages of an Exelgreen artificial wall ?
5. What are the differences between natural and artificial plant walls ?
6. How are ordered artificial plant walls delivered ?

How is an artificial plant wall composed ?

Artificial green wall

Exelgreen plant walls are composed of fake plants fixed on a plastic or metal plate. Available per m² and composed of two to four plates to assemble, find the foliage adapted to your environment according to their composition. Our artificial gardens will perfectly suit all your decoration projects and can also be used as a screen to preserve your privacy. The synthetic foliage is definitely a trendy and customizable decorative element for a greener environment.

Which artificial plant wall to choose ?

Originally an expert in indoor and outdoor artificial floor coverings, we naturally turned to the wall covering of spaces with artificial plant walls. Based on this expertise of more than 15 years, we can now offer you these articles through different ranges adapted to all needs and budgets.

Our classic artificial foliages :

- Composition of 1 or 2 types of plants
- Economical
- Guaranteed 5 years to UV
- Delivered in 4 plates of 50cm x 50cm

Our structured foliages : 

- Worked composition of several artificial plants
- Colorful and realistic
- Guaranteed 5 years to UV
- Delivered in 4 plates of 50cm x 50cm

Our artificial foam : 

- Fire rating
- Realistic and resistant
- Guaranteed 5 years to UV
- Delivered in 4 sheets of 50cm x 50cm

Our premium artificial plant walls CITY : 

- Compositions of 1012 or 15 mixable plants
- Excellent realism
- Guaranteed 5 years to UV
- Delivered in 2 plates on a metallic background of 100cm x 50cm

How to install an artificial plant wall ?

artificial plant wall installation guide

Exelgreen plant walls are easy to install and it is possible to install them inside and outside to highlight your wall decoration. Mounted on a plastic or metal mesh support depending on the model, they can be fixed like a painting on a wall or on a fence outside.

They will also sublimate your work spaces in companies or private spaces at home, they can be installed for an event or even as a garden breeze. For an easy and effortless installation, we recommend the use of clamps for your outdoor projects or the use of a wall stapler for your indoor projects. However, check beforehand the solidity of the support you wish to use, the weight of our walls varies from 3 to 7 kg.

What are the advantages of an Exelgreen artificial wall ?

An artificial plant wall requires very little maintenance. Indeed, if you want to decorate your interiors with one of our plant walls, a simple dusting with a soft cloth is enough. After the laying, they do not require any additional support such as watering or irrigation systems and do not need to be trimmed or maintained. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with 5 years of UV protection on most of our models.

Occulting, the plant walls can also be used to hide your spaces from indiscreet eyes while maintaining a natural aesthetic. Easy to install, eliminating any constraint of growth or allergies and adapting to all types of surfaces, the synthetic foliage has nothing to envy to plant paintings or natural hedges.

What are the differences between a natural and artificial green wall ?

Artificial plant wall on a fence

Natural plant walls are generally more expensive than artificial plant walls. Indeed, you will have to choose the type of plant adapted to their natural environment, their exposure to the sun and their water needs.

Installing a natural green wall requires a deep knowledge of plants. The artificial green wall will adapt to any surface, environment and climate. An artificial green wall does not need light or irrigation to stay green. Natural green walls can be sensitive to weather changes, whereas an artificial green wall will remain intact throughout the year.

The foliage also has noise-reducing properties that will help you create more intimate spaces. An artificial plant wall can be installed inside your home, to decorate a business, a store or simply as a view breaker to create spaces sheltered from indiscreet looks.

It will be more adapted for example during an installation in a restaurant for its ease of maintenance. The realism of the plants in our artificial hedges tends to be as close as possible to that found in the natural environment, while remaining adaptable to your projects and needs.

How are the ordered artificial plant walls delivered ?

Depending on the quantity ordered, our foliage and artificial hedges will be delivered either on pallets or in loose. For orders exceeding 3m², delivery will be made by appointment. Delivery times are 5 to 7 working days from the time the order is placed, Choosing an artificial vegetalized wall decoration is a daring and trendy choice that will help you create a unique, original, durable and maintenance-free decoration.

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