How to install an artificial plant wall ?

How to install an artificial plant wall ?

- Categories : Actualities - Reading time : min

How to green and dress your interior spaces with an Exelgreen plant wall ? Is it easy to install an artificial plant wall ? In this blog article, all the answers to your questions for an easy, simple and fast installation.

Summary : 

1. Artificial plant wall : how to calculate the surface area required for your project ?
2. What support for an artificial plant wall ?
3. How do I fix my artificial plant wall to a wall ?
4. What accessories are needed to install my artificial plant wall ?
5. How do I maintain my artificial plant wall ?
6. How do I choose my artificial plant wall ?
7. What are the advantages of an artificial plant wall ?

Green wall : how to calculate the surface needed for your project ?

Once clipped together, the artificial foliage measures 100cm x 100cm : it is therefore very easy to calculate the number of sheets that will be useful for the completion of your layout. To measure the size of your project, multiply the height of your surface to be covered by its length and you will obtain the number of sheets needed. These models are composed of 10 to 15 plants and are breathtakingly realistic! With our premium plant walls, your plant decoration will be sublime and completely customizable.  

Our tip : Our premium models can be combined with each other to avoid redundant plants and create a sensational decor !

If you need help with your project, our experts will be delighted to advise you on the most suitable artificial plant wall.

Which support to use for an artificial plant wall ?

Adapt your installation methodology according to the chosen support (wooden wall, stone, wire mesh structure...). The structure of Exelgreen artificial walls has been designed to be installed indoors or outdoors. If you are planning to install your artificial wall on a fence or a grid, use clamps or cable clamps for a solid and quick installation. The accessories are usually sold with your green wall.

When installing on an interior wall, use appropriate screws to avoid damaging the surface as you would have done for example to hang a picture in your living room. The number of fasteners should be adapted according to the weight of the wall, the model can vary from 3 to 5 kg per square meter.

For surfaces requiring a more resistant fixing such as a stone wall, we recommend you use adapted nails and hammer the plates to the wall to fix them with a small hammer.

Artificial hedges can be used for many reasons such as :

- Decorate and create an authentictrendy and unique living space

- Protect your privacy from prying eyes

- Improve the appearance of small spaces such as garden sheds

- Sublimate and green your company for the well-being of your employees and customers.

As you can see, artificial plant walls can be installed on a wide range of surfaces and are designed to be easy to handle. 

How to attach my artificial plant wall to a wall ?

First, to hang your artificial foliage, start by clipping the plates together to form a square.

Then, staple the first square to the support. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary depending on the surface to cover.

Respect the direction of the installation for an optimized result.

To finish, you can put back in shape your artificial plant walls by passing your hand inside and replacing the artificial plants if needed.

If the surface of your ornamental project is important, you can create a plan beforehand and draw the diagram of your installation. This will allow you to order the exact number of plates needed, to have a global vision of your project and to order all the required accessories.

If you want to create a personalized plant decoration on your wall, it's entirely possible, once your walls are fixed, to add light decorations such as LEDs, add artificial plants or mix premium plant walls together. Some of our customers are very creative in creating incredible plant pictures. They are easy to cut and can be given a unique and original shape. 

What accessories are useful for the installation of my artificial plant wall ?

Exelgreen offers a range of accessories to help you attach your plant wall to your support. We recommend using clamps to secure the wall panels together, or a wall stapler. You can also use cable clamps to simplify installation.

To install your artificial plant wall, you may need additional accessories such as a spirit level to check the alignment of the walls, a cutter to cut them and fastening tools.

Fixing tools will vary according to your substrate, and you may need screws, hooks, clips or fasteners to secure them. 

Exelgreen plant walls are very easy to fix and are decorative accessories that will enhance many living spaces. They can be installed both indoors and outdoors, come with a 5-year guarantee against UV fading, and many new models are available on our website every year. 

How do I maintain my artificial plant wall ?

Once your artificial plant wall is fixed and in shape, you will not need to maintain it. If your artificial plant wall is installed indoors, you can dust it with a soft cloth when you feel like it and enjoy your decoration all year long without any maintenance.

Indeed, artificial plant walls do not need a specific installation such as an irrigation system and they are not dependent on light ! What's more, artificial leaves won't fall off, there's no need to use pesticides, and artificial plant walls won't give you the allergies associated with natural plants. Artificial plant walls are therefore very easy to maintain and offer nothing but advantages! 

Sublimating your spaces with our walls will allow you to create unique and personalized spaces.

They can be installed in any room of the house, helping you to green your offices for the well-being of your employees. Numerous studies have shown that planted environments boost employee concentration and create pleasant, friendly spaces. Artificial plant walls are also widely used to enhance restaurants and add color to store fronts.

How to choose my artificial plant wall ?

The composition of our plant walls is unique, a wide choice of possibilities is offered to you ! Do you want a tropical, forest or flowery atmosphere ? To help you, we have classified our plant walls into 3 categories :

- Simple foliage : for a natural and economical result, these models are composed of an artificial plant. This range includes our Ivy, Love Flower, Laurel, Giron Flower, Boxwood and Cypress models. Priced from €27 to €49.95, these models are ideal for recreating planted hedges.

- Structured foliage : These walls are a blend of several artificial plants for an original result with a variety of moods. Composed of 5 to 13 artificial plants, compound plant walls include the Forest, Loft, Tropic, Clematis, Jungle, Oxalis and Daisy models. Prices range from €44.95 to €72.95.

- Our premium green walls : Ideal for a stunning, original and sensational result! These artificial plant walls are made up of 10 to 15 magnificent artificial plants, which can be mixed with each other. The City 1, City 2 and City 3 are available for 129.95 €.

-Our fire-rated plant wall : a decorative element that complies with fire safety standards for professionals, public spaces and trade shows, for example. Composed of an artificial plant reproducing light green moss, this wall with dense foliage is priced at 129.95€.

Composed of one to 15 plants, it is up to you to choose the plant decoration that best suits your desires and your projects.

What are the advantages of an artificial wall ?

To sum up, installing an artificial plant wall is the ideal solution for all plant lovers who do not really feel like gardening.

Realisticmaintenance-free and durable over time, the plant walls are an excellent compromise to green your spaces with ease. They will not suffer from climate changes and can be maintained only with a damp cloth, nothing more simple !

Trendy, they will also give back green and relief to public spaces, and their occulting properties will protect you from indiscreet looks.

The plant walls also have insulating properties that will attenuate the variations of heat and temperatures, very useful during the summer periods. They are a good alternative to traditional fences or canis for your balconies or terraces.

Finally, you won't have to worry about insects or use pesticides and the cost of an artificial green wall is lower than a natural green wall.

Installing an Exelgreen artificial plant wall is a simpleeasy and fast process. Discover the range of our artificial plant walls and make your choice ! A unique and trendy plant decoration that looks like you !

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