False grass for children's play areas

False grass for children's play areas

- Categories : Actualities - Reading time : min

False grass is undoubtedly the ideal synthetic surfacing for covering and protecting children's play areas. False grass is economicaldurable and, above all, ideal for cushioning all kinds of falls, protecting children from numerous accidents.

Summary : 

1. Do cribs and fake grass mix ?
2. Does false grass reduce the risk of falls ?
3. What is the best blade height for children's play areas ?
4. Sports turf or ornamental turf ?
5. Is artificial grass allergenic to children ?
6. What are the advantages of artificial grass ?

Do nurseries and fake grass go well together ?

The discovery of different materials is essential to the development of children of all ages. The softness of artificial grass allows children to discover new sensations of touch in complete safety. Synthetic turf strands are made of polyethylene and polypropylene, in compliance with REACH standards.

Exelgreen's artificial turf is also tested to resist pressure when the strands are ripped out, so children won't be at any risk once your artificial lawn has been brushed and straightened.

Last but not least, the installation of artificial turf allows children to play outdoors without the risk of getting dirty! With artificial turf, say goodbye to mud stains or green marks on clothes. False turf also lets water through, so it can be used all year round, whatever the weather.

Many day-care centers use artificial grass to create safe play areas for their children. Extremely hard-wearing, artificial grass is ideal for this type of installation and is completely safe for children. 

artificial lawn and garden

Does false grass reduce the risk of falls ?

Children's play and relaxation areas are heavily used. The shock-absorbing properties of artificial grass are very real. Many structures and municipalities have decided to install artificial turf to beautify and secure all areas dedicated to children. Highly shock-absorbing, soft and resistant, artificial grass is generally very popular.

This type of surfacing is perfectly suited to withstand intensive use, heavy trampling, reduce noise and can be used all year round. Easy to install and cut, you'll have no trouble adapting it to your surface.

If you want to enhance the shock-absorbing properties of your grass, you can also install protective tiles as an underlay. Particularly appreciated by landscapers, these tiles are the perfect complementary surfacing for creating completely safe play areas.

Tip : If you have heavy objects on your fake lawn, such as children's slides, and you want to move them, simply use a little hot water where the strand is crushed, and use a brush to restore it to its original shape.

artificial turf on a children's playground

What is the best strand height for children's play areas ?

At Exelgreen, we know all about resilient strands. There are many models perfectly suited to children's play areas. For minimum maintenance, opt for heights between 20 and 25 mm. Very short cut grass requires only occasional brushing, its main advantage being its resilience. If you want more comfort for children, a height of 30 to 40 mm is also a good choice.

At Exelgreen, you'll find artificial grass to suit every budget. Note that the longer the blades of your grass, the more comfortable it will be. We also have a collection dedicated to destocking, but these artificial grasses are not necessarily the most suitable for children's play areas. Why not ? Quite simply because their blades are generally a little thinner and therefore less resilient. 

You can choose a lighter or darker green to suit your aesthetic tastes, and our rolls can be cut to almost any size (widths are fixed, but we cut our rolls to the nearest 10 cm), which is very practical for ordering only the quantity you need for your project.

artificial grass on sports field

Sports or ornamental grass ?

Ornamental turf, unlike sports turf, is better suited to municipal areas such as playgrounds. It doesn't need to be covered with sand to be firmly anchored to the ground, it can be laid in a variety of heights, and the look of ornamental grass is more natural than that of sports turf. Sports turf, as its name suggests, is ideal for covering sports pitches such as soccer or rugby. Ornamental turf, on the other hand, is becoming increasingly widespread.

More comfortable, softer and more realistic, it's perfect for use on a wide range of surfaces. Helping municipalities make the right choice of artificial turf is one of the many daily missions of Exelgreen's teams. False turf is also increasingly used in the organization of various events to embellish a stand or for a ceremony, for example.

This year alone, our artificial turf was used on the forecourt of the Francofolies festival, as well as on the forecourt of La Défense for the "Action Contre la Faim challenge". The community of artificial grass lovers continues to grow !

artificial grass on tennis court

Does artificial grass cause allergies ?

children playing on artificial grass

Another piece of good news for municipalities is that artificial grass is in no way allergenic ! Allergy worries are often caused by the appearance of certain flowers, such as pollen. As the blades of artificial grass are made of plastic, there's no risk of this happening ! Forget about the various and sundry gardening chores such as mowing, watering and the use of chemicals.

All you need to do to maintain your false grass and keep the kids happy is to straighten the blades with a stiff broom or electric brush. There's no doubt that investing in fake grass saves timeenergy and hassle for the kids.

Artificial grass has many advantages, and is undoubtedly a long-term investment. Installing artificial grass in children's play areas will certainly save you money in the long term. 

What are the advantages of artificial grass ?

As you can see, artificial grass is synonymous with numerous advantages, especially for establishments such as nurseries or campsites. Artificial grass is very easy to maintain, making gardening chores a distant memory, but above all it's a safeeconomical and long-lasting surface ! Children can play on it in complete safety, with no health risks, and will enjoy discovering new sensations to the touch.

Exelgreen offers a wide range of artificial turf options, so you're sure to find the one that's just right for you ! Light or dark green, with short, medium or long blades, guaranteed for 6, 8 or 10 years, the hardest part is choosing ! At Exelgreen, we're committed to providing you with quality products to suit all budgets and all types of landscaping projects.

Exelgreen offers a wide range of cut-to-size artificial grass in widths from 1 to 4 m, and up to 30 m per roll ! Finally, it's possible to cut your roll lengthwise to the nearest ten centimetres, so you don't waste any material !

artificial grass for Hermès event in Paris

Artificial grass is a good compromise that combines safetysoftnessdurability and economy. It's a surface that appeals to young and old alike, and is safe for children of all ages. There's an infinite number of projects to choose from. Will you be tempted by a model from our permanent range or from our clearance range ?

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