Which electric brush should I use to maintain my artificial lawn ?

Which electric brush should I use to maintain my artificial lawn ?

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Brushing your artificial grass to restore its full volume is important. Over time, and depending on the frequency of brushing, your artificial grass may tend to flatten out. How do you find the ideal brush for your artificial grass ? Is there a specific brushing method ? Let's take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions.

Summary : 

1. What is the resilience of artificial grass ? 
2. Why do i nedd to brush my artificial grass ? 
3. What are the advantages of an artificial grass brush ? 
4. How much does an artificial grass brush cost ?
5. Is an artificial grass brush suitable for all surfaces ?
6. What's the best brush for artificial grass ?
7. Are there any accessories for an electric brush ?
8. How do I clean my artificial grass thoroughly ?
9. How do I remove weeds from my artificial lawn ?

What is the resilience of artificial grass ?

The quality of synthetic grass is measured according to several criteria, including resilience. Resilience is the ability of your lawn's strands to withstand trampling over time. Simply put, the resilience of your artificial grass is its ability to stand up once you've stepped on it. In general, the longer the strands, the more frequently you'll need to brush your lawn. In general, however, one or two brushing operations a year will suffice, even with long blades. 

At Exelgreen, resilience is one of our manufacturing criteria, so we're keen to provide you with dense lawns for optimum natural effect. We also measure the quality of our artificial turf with other criteria such as softness, comfort and UV warranty duration. In addition to resilience, we believe these criteria are essential to providing you with top-quality, low-maintenance artificial lawn that lasts the test of time.

Our tip : For resilient synthetic grass, also check the thickness of the strands. Thinner strands also have a tendency to flatten. For the right strand height for every project, we recommend heights of between 30 and 40 mm. For incomparable comfort underfoot, opt for our 50 mm grass models !

Artificial grass

Why do I need to brush my artificial grass ?

Brushing your artificial grass will restore its original volume and appearance, and clean it gently. To do this, brush it in the opposite direction to the way it was laid, using the brush of your choice. The shorter the strands, the less maintenance you'll need. Note that our customers very often order grass measuring between 30 and 40 mm to combine the comfort and appearance of a freshly mown lawn. In general, brushing once or twice a year is sufficient, so maintaining your artificial lawn is not at all restrictive. 

Brushing is easy. Use an electric brush or a stiff-bristled broom such as a roadside broom or scrub brush, and you're done. Just be careful not to use metal brushes, which could damage your beautiful lawn.

Brushing your artificial lawn also helps to keep it clean. In the event of a minor accident, or if debris such as dead leaves has accumulated on your artificial turf, brushing your fake lawn will restore it to its former glory. If you need to clean your fake grass, using a little soapy water before brushing it can also help restore it to its former glory.

Be sure to adjust the height of the blades of your fake lawn to choose a model that's right for your project. A well-maintained green lawn all year round is easy, simple and requires little effort on your part. Note that it's important to brush your synthetic lawn in the opposite direction to that in which it was laid, for best results.

Artificial grass on a terrace with garden furniture

What are the advantages of an artificial grass brush ?

Synthetic grass brush

The advantages of an Exelgreen electric brush are multiple. Lightweight and easy to handle, it's child's play to use. Its compact size means it can be stored in a broom cupboard and adjusted like the arm of a vacuum cleaner. The Exelgreen electric brush comes in a two-part cardboard box and is easy to assemble.

The roll of the Exelgreen electric brush is 40 cm long, and its autonomy is around 25 min. You can add an extra battery for even longer autonomy. Cordless, it recharges easily in just a few hours. Last but not least, the Exelgreen electric brush is an invaluable aid for easily and effortlessly straightening your artificial lawn and restoring its original appearance !

Please note that our electric brush does not have a vacuum function. Nevertheless, it's an ideal ally if you want to maintain your fake lawn effortlessly. It will be delivered to your doorstep within 5 working days. 

Investing in an electric artificial grass brush will also save you time. Like all tools, we advise you to clean it after use, and above all not to use it when your artificial grass is wet. This could cause serious damage to your brush ! 

How much does an artificial grass brush cost ?

The price of an artificial turf brush can vary according to its options. For example, our cordless electric brush is priced at €149.95, including delivery. As described above, our artificial turf brush has cleaning properties and is very useful for saving you time, as it will mechanically straighten the blades of your fake lawn for you.

On the other hand, if you want a model with additional options, such as suction properties, the price can vary from €200 to €400. Your choice of electric brush will therefore depend on your criteria and needs. What's more, some brushes come with additional accessories, such as batteries, brushes, attachments, etc. The price of your brush is therefore quite random. 

At Exelgreen, we offer free delivery, and you'll receive your electric brush within 5 working days if you order it on its own. Cordless, it's a brush that can be used by all members of your family, as it doesn't weigh as much as some brushes that look more like small clippers.

Our electric brush is an excellent compromise if you want to maintain your artificial lawn effortlessly. Its price remains affordable for many budgets. 

Artificial turf garden around a swimming pool

Is the artificial grass brush suitable for all surfaces ?

In general, a manual artificial turf brush is best suited to small to medium-sized surfaces. However, you can use your electric brush on all types of grass surface, whatever the size.  On balconies, for example, you can also use a brush or even a vacuum cleaner to remove small debris.

It's very important not to use your artificial turf brush on unsuitable ground, as you'll damage your brush. 

Caution : To avoid damaging your electric brush, it's best to use it on dry grass. A damp lawn could damage your brush !

Our tip : For best results over a larger surface area, remember to recharge your electric brush and second battery in advance. In general, you'll need to brush your lawn once or twice a year.

Garden with artificial grass

What's the best brush for artificial grass ?

Choosing a artificial grass brush isn't always easy. To help you, ask yourself the following questions : what's the surface area of your project ? what's your budget ? do you want a brush that simply straightens the blades of your lawn, or one that sucks them up ?

The good news is that our electric brush can be used on soft or hard ground. It's effortless to maintain your artificial lawn ! If your surface is small, simply use a stiff-bristled broom. Avoid brushing your artificial grass during the coldest periods of the year. The strands of your fake grass could break during frosty periods. Find out more about artificial grass and snow.

As you can see, the best lawn brush is the one with the properties you consider essential ! 

Artificial grass landscaping in front of a house

Are there any accessories for an electric brush ?

At Exelgreen, you can buy an extra battery for your electric brush. No risk of running out of power in the middle of use ! Our brush has been designed for a 25-minute autonomy, so depending on the size of your surface, you may want to consider a second battery for even greater peace of mind.

Easily clipped in and recharged, the electric brush battery is the accessory you need to restore volume to your artificial lawn. We offer this battery as a complement to the battery supplied with your brush.

Brush battery for artificial grass

How do I clean my artificial grass thoroughly ?

If brushing your artificial grass isn't enough, you can clean it thoroughly using a low-pressure water jet. You can also simply wait for it to rain on your artificial grass. Nevertheless, your artificial grass is not immune to everyday accidents, but don't panic !

In most cases, simply use soapy water, or mix water with a little white vinegar, and off you go ! Your synthetic lawn will dry naturally and regain all its splendor.

Please note that our artificial lawns are completely compatible with your pets or children, and that it will be very easy to clean your fake lawn thoroughly. Don't hesitate to read our dedicated article for all the cleaning tips

Landscaped garden with artificial grass

How do I remove weeds from my artificial grass ?

When laying artificial grass on loose soil, it's important to use a geotextile to prevent weeds from returning. When preparing the soil, you can use a natural weedkiller to keep the ground clean and smooth. Once the strips of artificial grass have been laid in the same direction, brush them off and enjoy !

In autumn, if leaves fall on your lawn, use a blower or a low-pressure water jet to remove them. Preparing your soil in advance plays an important role in the durability, maintenance and appearance of your artificial grass.

And don't forget, your artificial grass strips must all be laid in the same direction to achieve the best possible result !

Garden with fake lawn

The purchase of an electric synthetic grass brush is a formidable accessory for restoring volume to your lawn ! Easy to use, self-contained and ergonomic, it's child's play to maintain your artificial lawn !

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