Artificial grass : what is the best quality-price ratio ?

Artificial grass : what is the best quality-price ratio ?

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There are many ranges of artificial grass affordable and inexpensive. Of course, the price depends on the quality of the grass chosen, its density, and the realism of its strands. The artificial grass is an excellent coating to dress many surfaces and there are many models suitable for all budgets. Here are some tips to choose your artificial grass according to your budget.

Summary : 

1. What is the average price of an artificial grass ?
2. What is the artificial grass with the best quality-price ratio ?
3. Are there differences in quality between artificial grass ?
4. Is cheap artificial grass available in custom sizes ?
5. What is the right height of strands for an artificial grass ?
6. How to lay artificial grass ?
7. How to maintain my artificial grass ?
8. Is artificial grass suitable for all surfaces ?
9. Is the cheap artificial grass compatible with the chlorine of swimming pools ?
10.How much does the installation of artificial grass by a professional ? 

What is the average price of an artificial grass ?

The average price of a good artificial grass will depend on different criteria. At Exelgreen we have divided our ranges according to the following criteria : length, density, color, softness and the longevity of their protection against UV.

For an artificial grass said entry-level with rather short strands and a guarantee against UV for a period of 6 years, count an average price between 10 € and 16 € per m2.

For artificial turf said mid-range with a height of strand medium-long and a guarantee against UV for a period of 8 years, count a budget between 17 € e and 23 € per m2.

For premium artificial grass guaranteed 10 years, the budget will be between 23 € and 35 € per m2

What is the artificial grass with the best quality-price ratio ?

At Exelgreen, we offer a range of destocking with many artificial grass offered at prices defying any competition. They are available according to the model desired in custom rolls, full rolls or pre-cut. Our permanent range is also composed of several models with short strands with an excellent quality-price ratio. Discover our Park 20 and 30 mm models or our Stadium models. A beautiful green lawn well maintained all year round is accessible to all !

Are there differences in quality between artificial grass ?

In general, the differences in quality of an artificial grass often depend on the materials that were used in its manufacture. A poor quality of an artificial grass can deteriorate quickly and give a very false appearance to the artificial grass. Exelgreen artificial grass is tested and cut in our factory in Belgium, and passes many tests for strength, tear, and permeability.

Is cheap artificial grass available in custom sizes ?

Regularly, we make available our artificial grass in destocking, these rolls at very good prices are available to measure or in pre-cut rolls for smaller surfaces. In order to avoid too much grass falling off, we recommend you to make a layout plan beforehand by measuring the totality of your surface. This will allow you to order the right number of m2 needed for your project, the right number of accessories and thus determine the right direction of installation.

What is the right height of strands for an artificial grass ?

Our artificial grass ranges from 15 to 50 mm high. The short strand models between 15 and 25 mm are often chosen for their ease of maintenance, to set up stands during events, to set up urban landscapes or stores, to play golf etc... These models of grass are very accessible in terms of price.

Regarding the mid-length blades measuring between 25 and 38 mm, they will give you an even more realistic result. These heights are perfect to combine softness, comfort and aesthetics for a price a little higher but still accessible to many budgets. All our artificial lawns are available in several colors, from light to dark green, choose according to your tastes !

Finally, our ranges called long strands and premium, measuring 38 to 50 mm are ideal if you want an ornamental synthetic lawn of very high quality. Bluffing realism, these lawns will look like a very dense and thick grass, more suitable for places where the frequency of passage is less high to limit the brushing. You will be seduced by their realism, their comfort and their softness.

How to lay artificial grass ?

Installing artificial grass is quite simple, most of our customers carry out their installation themselves. However, there are a few tips to consider, such as the preparation of your soil, the appropriate accessories, the proper drainage of rainwater for terraces and balconies, as well as the surface to cover.

For all types of flooring, it is important to have a cleanlevel and ideally weeded floor. The direction of installation is also a very important element to take into account, the strips must imperatively be installed in the same direction. If this is not the case, the result will not be natural.

When you receive your lawn, once laid, you will have to brush it in the opposite direction of the orientation of the blades to give it back all its volume !

How to maintain my artificial grass ?

Maintain its synthetic lawn is very easy and will require very little effort. You will not need to mow your artificial lawn or water it so that it remains impeccable all year. Synthetic lawns are more resistant than natural lawns and all you have to do is brush them in the opposite direction of the strands. If you want to clean it, as a rule a little water is enough. In case of a small accident, you can use soapy water to eliminate odors.

Is artificial grass suitable for all surfaces ?

Yes, Exelgreen artificial grass can be installed on many surfaces : balconies, terraces, gardens, pool surrounds, roof terraces... It is a durable, economical and low maintenance covering. Adapt the preparation of your floor beforehand according to the surface to be covered as well as the choice of accessories and it's done !

Is the cheap artificial grass compatible with the chlorine of swimming pools ?

Whatever the price and range chosen, all our artificial grass are compatible with swimming pools. Our artificial grass are chlorine resistant, you can easily arrange an above ground pool on a ground already arranged and unlike a natural lawn, the artificial grass will not be altered by your pool. Here are some ideas for landscaping around your pool.

On the contrary, you can create a real space of relaxation and well-being, your pool will remain clean and will be enhanced by the installation of a beautiful artificial grass. For a softness and comfort, we recommend the height of strands from 38 to 50mm.

How much does the installation of artificial grass by a professional ?

To install its artificial grass by a professional is sometimes preferable depending on the surface to cover. Indeed, for more comfort it is possible to use professional installation but the price of your artificial grass will increase significantly. The price of a professional installation will also depend on the surface to be covered: the larger the surface, the lower the price. In general, the rate includes the installation, artificial grass accessories and labor.

To summarize, the artificial grass is a flooring accessible, for a reasonable budget you will be able to beautify your outdoor spaces and say goodbye to the chores of gardening ! Let yourself be tempted by one of our permanent model or by our models in destocking !

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