How much does an artificial wall cost ?

How much does an artificial wall cost ?

- Categories : Actualities - Reading time : min

Of course, the price of artificial plant walls can vary depending on the model selected. At Exelgreen, our collection is brimming with a variety of models to satisfy a maximum number of our customers and budgets. These are incredible decorative elements that will allow you to control your budget while enjoying yourself ! So, are you ready ?

What is the average price of an artificial wall ?

An artificial plant wall can cost between €30 and €200. The price can vary according to the number of plants, the design, the support and its realism. Our various premium plant wall models, for example, can be combined with each other without any plant redundancy, making them breathtakingly realistic!

For tighter budgets, we offer plant walls composed of 6 to 13 plants, with particularly attractive, warm colors and atmospheres. The Jungle model, for example, is made up of a panel of 13 plants that will add volume to your outdoor spaces. It's a plant wall much appreciated by our customers for its density and mix of colors.

Finally, if you prefer simplicity, our Ivy model is just right for you. Composed of a single plant, it will elegantly dress up your fences, courtyard or any other living space.

Which artificial plant wall offers the best value for money ?

If you want to combine aesthetic appeal with good value for money, our artificial plant walls with compound foliage are the way to go. The Loft wall, for example, is one of our customers' favorites! Composed of 13 plants, realistic and dense, the Loft plant wall will suit a wide range of decorations and atmospheres.

Please note that all our artificial walls are guaranteed for 5 years against UV fading, are very easy to install and require no special maintenance to last, whatever the model selected. So it's a cost-effective investment for creating a planted look at no extra cost !

To install it, all you need to do is find the ideal type of fastener for your surface, and that's it ! Some of our customers even make cut-outs in the panels to give them original shapes. Others prefer to install them as they are or combine them with each other. In short, the best plant wall depends on you, your budget and your desired effect.

Mur végétal artificiel sur un toit terrasse

What are the advantages of an artificial wall ?

Installing an artificial plant wall in your home has many advantages. As its name suggests, an artificial plant wall requires no maintenance. It's delivered ready-to-use, and once you've fixed it in place, you'll immediately get the look you want. Your budget will be even easier to control, because once installed, you won't need an expensive irrigation system or to buy new plants should they wither.

Our walls are delivered in the form of 4 sheets that you'll need to assemble together, and then simply fix them to your surface as you would to hang one of your paintings. Once again, there's no extra budget for fixing. Every year, we add new models to our wall collection at all price levels. Another undeniable advantage is that they don't need any light to retain their brilliance, so you can hang them in any room in your home.

Last but not least, you don't need to use pesticides, so there are no extra costs once you've finished your plant decoration. Doing your own artificial plant composition may require a little time, knowledge of vegetation and investment. With an artificial plant wall, you'll also be surfing on the great green trends seen in so many public places. So, are you convinced ?

Plafond avec un mur végétal artificiel

Comment préserver votre intimité à l’aide des murs végétaux au meilleur tarif ?

Les murs végétaux artificiels sont d’excellents brises vues pour vous cacher de vos voisins et pour préserver votre intimité. Une fois posés, grâce à leur propriété d’isolation acoustique, ils permettent de réduire le bruit de votre environnement, de vous cacher des autres par leur densité et de reproduire les feuillages naturels de la nature. Ils peuvent également être très utiles pour cacher des endroits indésirables de votre cour comme un compteur, un cabanon, du mobilier de jardin usagé… etc.

La densité des murs végétaux variera suivant le modèle que vous sélectionnerez, mais il sera tout à fait possible de rajouter des plantes selon vos envies. Si vous souhaitez un résultat grandeur nature pour un budget maîtrisé, nous vous invitons à venir découvrir notre modèle Lierre. Le lierre naturel est une plante qui recouvre de nombreuse façade de maison pour leur donner un aspect végétal très apprécié.

Les avantages que présentent notre mur végétal lierre sont le prix, il ne poussera pas donc ne deviendra pas une plante envahissante sur votre façade ou dans votre cour, comme tous nos murs, le mur végétal lierre ne craint pas les changements météorologiques et n’aura pas besoin d’être arrosé ni entretenu. Ce modèle est très apprécié par nos clients qui cherche un résultat naturel en toute simplicité.

Mur végétal artificiel en extérieur

How easy is it to install an artificial plant wall ?

Mur végétal artificiel autour d'une porte

Yes, it's very easy to install an artificial plant wall. They can be hung on a wide range of surfaces, are easy to cut (most models have plastic backs, so a simple cutter is all you need) and are supplied with ties to hang them together.

Once assembled, each plant wall will measure 1mx1m, so it's easy to draw up an attachment plan to calculate the number of walls required for your project. The weight of our artificial walls varies between 2 and 5kg, so it's easy to find suitable nails or fasteners.

What's the budget for customizing artificial plant walls ?

The advantage of an Exelgreen artificial plant wall is that it's 100% customizable, so you don't need a big budget to give it originality ! You can mix and match artificial plants, add drooping plants or make it even denser with an additional wall. The premium City1, City2 or City3 models can be mixed with each other to avoid plant redundancy and create spectacular effects.

What's more, the creativity of some of our customers knows no bounds : adding mirrors, illuminated signs, garlands, frames and more. The possibilities for personalization are endless. Artificial potted plants can also be added for an extra touch of greenery.

Like artificial walls, they're very economical, can be installed in any room in your home and come in a wide range of models. We're sure you'll find the right artificial plant to enhance your living space or even your workspace. 

Mur végétal artificiel avec un panneau lumineux

It's possible to buy an artificial plant wall that combines quality and value for money. Come and discoverour simple, composite or premium ranges and find the plant wall that suits your green desires ! And, as always, our teams of experts are on hand to help you make the right choice.

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